Healthy Mom & Baby

Gerard Place Healthy Mom & Baby Program helps to reverse these statistics by providing support, services and supplies:

8% of births in 14215 happen with no pre-natal care.

10% of mothers are 15-19 years old.

15% of babies are low birth weight.

23% of mothers have no high school diploma or job training.

80% of single mothers living in 14215 live well below the poverty line.

Healthy Mom & Baby

Healthy Mom & Baby Program

Are you pregnant or just gave birth to new baby?  Congratulations!  We are here to help. Please email to register for baby supplies and for the most recent schedule. If we do not get back to you please call (716) 897-9948 x 114 to register.

Baby Cafe is every First and Third Wednesday of each month unless it falls on a hoiday. Cafe times are 11:30am-1PM at Gerard Place. (No RSVP Needed)

Our program can help you with:

Pack 'n Play, baby care supplies, clothes, food, resources and bus passes for doctor appointments. 

For information about any of Gerard Place’s Programs and Services, Call (716) 897-9948